Žao mi je, registracija je završena.

Ovo je prvi skup na ovu temu koji okuplja servis provajdere iz zdravstvenog i sektora njege iz regiona Centralne i JI Evrope. Biznis Forum je posvećen traženju rješenja za BUDUĆNOST NJEGE u ova dva Evropska regiona te izradi prijedloga MODELA koji bi bio/bili aplikativni i samodrživi u oba regiona i koji bi mogli riješiti pitanja sa kojima se susreću svi service provajderi(starački domovi, gerijatrijske ustanove, dnevni centri za osobe sa demencijom, hospisi itd) a tiču se: nedostatka radne snage, nedovoljnog znanja, loše uređenog sistema zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite i ne postojanja objedinjenih rješenja integrisane njege, odsustva post-dijagnostičke podrške osobama koje žive sa demencijom kroz sistem multidisciplinarnog nefarmakološkog pristupa itd. Takođe, ovo je prilika da IT kompanije i kao i druge grane privrede sagledaju realni potencijal ovih sektora i traže svoje mjesto u njemu kao jedan od sektora BUDUĆNOSTI. Teme će izložiti eksperti grupisani u 9 nacionalnih timova(Austrija, BiH, Hrvatska, Grčka, Italija, Njemačka, Rumunija, Slovenija, Srbija) a koji dolaze iz prakse i akademije. Debate će učesnicima obezbijediti dublji ulazak u svaku izloženu temu! Radionice u kojima će se raditi na Modelima će biti sastavljene iz svih zainteresovanih učesnika a ne samo predavača. Na kraju će biti donesen ZAKLJUČAK koji će biti u obliku DEKLARACIJE. This is the first meeting on this topic that brings together service providers from the health and care sector from the region of Central and SE Europe. The Business Forum is dedicated to searching for solutions for the FUTURE OF CARE in these two European regions and to developing a MODEL proposal that would be applicable and self-supporting in both regions and that could solve the issues faced by all service providers (nursing homes, geriatric institutions, day centers for people with dementia, hospices, etc.) and concern: lack of manpower, insufficient knowledge, poorly organized system of health and social protection and non-existence of unified solutions of integrated care, absence of post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia through a system of multidisciplinary non-pharmacological approach etc. Also, this is an opportunity for IT companies and other branches of the economy to see the real potential of these sectors and seek their place in it as one of the sectors of the FUTURE. The topics will be presented by experts grouped in 9 national teams (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia) who come from practice and academia. The debates will provide the participants with a deeper entry into each exposed topic! Workshops in which models will be worked on will be made up of all interested participants and not just lecturers. At the end, a CONCLUSION will be made, which will be in the form of a DECLARATION. #demencijaubih #alzheimerbih #centarzademenciju #bhdrustvoprijateljdemencije #icodem #icodem23

  • Datum:01.06.2023 20:00 - 03.06.2023 16:00
  • Lokacija hotel Hills; Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina (Mapa)



Radni Program 1.pdfWP 1.pdfMigraciona kretanja radne snage iz sektora njege, pod čime se misli na zdravstvene radnike i radnike koji pružaju njegu(različiti terapeuti, psiholozi, socijalni radnici, medicinske sestre...), koji se odvijaju iz pravca JI Evrope u Centralnu Evropu imaju zabrinjavajući karakter. Pri tome Centralna Evropa iako iscrpljuje resurse JI Evrope ne može zadovoljiti svoije potreba a mnogo je razliga za to.

Demografska struktura oba regiona je izrazito nepovoljna kada se misli na: prosječnu starost stanovništva, dužinu životnog vijeka, dužinu perioda zdravog življenja, strukture porodice itd

Takođe, emancipacija žena i njihov izlazak na tržište rada je dodatno pogoršao stanje jer su žene tradicionalno držale sektor zdravstvene i socijalne njege kao medicinske sestre ili njegovatelji.

Rješenja vezana za infrastrukturu: zdravstvene i socijalne ustanove kao i drugi oblici organizacije pružanja pomoći starijim osobama i osobama sa kognitivnim oštećenjima gdje pripadaju osobe sa demencijom te načini pružanja različitih usluga su zasnovani na zastarjelim rješenjima koja su neodrživa već sada.

Svjesni stanja UN agencije i WHO apeliraju i daju određene preporuke te traže reagovanja ali ozbiljne reakcije u obje regije izostaju ili i ako postoje ne privlače pažnju šire javnosti.

Stoga ovaj Forum želi skrenuti pažnju i ponuditi alat kako bi se stvari počele mijenjati inicijativom zainteresovanog kapitala koji jedino može stanje promijeniti.

Migration movements of the workforce from the care sector, by which we mean health workers and workers who provide care (various therapists, psychologists, social workers, nurses...), which take place from the direction of SE Europe to Central Europe, have a worrisome character. At the same time, even though Central Europe exhausts the resources of SE Europe, it cannot meet its own needs, and there are many differences.

The demographic structure of both regions is extremely unfavorable when considering: the average age of the population, length of life, length of period of healthy living, family structure, etc.

Also, the emancipation of women and their entry into the labor market further worsened the situation because women traditionally held the health and social care sector as nurses or caregivers.

Solutions related to infrastructure: health and social institutions, as well as other forms of organization providing assistance to the elderly and people with cognitive impairments, where people with dementia belong, and ways of providing various services are based on outdated solutions that are already unsustainable.

Aware of the situation, UN agencies and WHO appeal and give certain recommendations and ask for reactions, but serious reactions in both regions are absent or, even if they exist, they do not attract the attention of the wider public.

Therefore, this Forum wants to draw attention and offer a tool to start changing things through the initiative of interested capital, which is the only one that can change the situation.
